Below are a collection of cuttings from Daily News Iceland, an internet newspaper service provided by The Iceland Review. They detail the course of the eruption including some of the more human aspects.
Tue October 1, 1996.
Volcano erupts under Europe's largest glacier
Wed October 2, 1996.
Sub-glacial eruption sparks flood fears
Thu October 3, 1996.
Volcanic eruption pierces glacier, emergency services on full alert
Flood fears as eruption melts glacier
Flights cancelled due to ash clouds
Fri October 4, 1996.
Volcanic eruption continues; massive flooding imminent

Photographs taken by Páll Stefánsson Thursday October 3rd 1996
Mon October 7, 1996.
Volcanic meltwater increase ups flood fears
Tue October 8, 1996.
Civil defence declares state of emergency as
flood looms
Wed October 9, 1996.
Road rescue in full swing as flood wait
Thu October 10, 1996.
New 3.5 km long rift in volcanic glacier
Fri October 11, 1996.
Hi-tech devices open new research
possibilities on flood
Mon October 14, 1996.
Eruption dying down
Tue October 15, 1996.
Earthquake rocks south and west Iceland
Wed October 16, 1996.
Vatnajökull eruption reveals new mountain
Thu October 17, 1996.
Waiting for the flood

Photo by Magnus Gudmundsson
Fri October 18, 1996.
Eruption site cooling as first snow falls on
Mon October 21, 1996.
Travel ban to Vatnajökull lifted
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Richard M Allen.