The Allen group in the BSL conference room, April 2023
Current research group members
Savvas Marcou | PhD candidate, 2022-present MSc Imperial College London Smartphone sensor networks |
Utpal Kumnar | Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023-present PhD National Central University and Academia Sinica, Taiwan Structural Health Monitoring using the MyShake smartphone network |
Amy Williamson | Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021-present PhD University of Oregon Earthquake and tsunami warning |
Yuancong Gou | PhD candidate, 2021-present BSc Nanjing University Machine learning, earthquake catalogs, sensing technology |
Angela Lux | Project Scientist 2017-present Postdoctoral Fellow, Berkeley, 2014-2017; PhD Stanford 2014 Earthquake early warning algorithms |
PhD students at William Hawley's Exit Seminar celebration
Former students and postdocs
Yifang Cheng | Postdoctoral fellow, 2021-2024 PhD, University of Southern California, 2021 Earthquake source properties and faulting mechanisms Now Faculty at Tongji University |
Sarina Patel | PhD 2023, UC Berkeley Now Policy Fellow with the California Council on Science and Technology working with the California Assembly Emergency Management Committee |
Claire Doody | PhD 2023, UC Berkeley Now Research Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Qingkai Kong | PhD 2018, UC Berkeley. Assist. Researcher, 2018-2021 Thesis: MyShake – Building a global smartphone seismic network Now Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
William Hawley | PhD 2019, UC Berkeley Thesis: The Life and Death of a Tectonic Plate: Imaging the Juan de Fuca Plate with Amphibious Seismic Data Now National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia |
Robert Martin-Short | PhD 2019, UC Berkeley Thesis: Seismic investigation of subduction in Cascadia and Alaska and Simulating the ability of MyShake networks to detect and locate earthquakes Now Data Scientist at App Annie |
Asaf Inbal | Postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2018 PhD, Caltech, 2016 Array detection and characterization of seismic sources Now faculty at Tel Aviv University |
Christine Ruhl | Postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2018 PhD, University of Nevada, Reno, 2016 Large magnitude earthquake sources and geodetic network detection Now faculty at University of Tulsa |
Diego Melgar | Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014-2015; Researcher 2015-2017 PhD, University of California, San Diego, 2014 Large earthquake ruptures Now faculty at the University of Oregon |
Cheng Cheng | PhD 2016, UC Berkeley Thesis: Seismic constrains on a double-layered Hawaiian plume and the Cascadia subduction slab heterogeneity |
Ran Nof | Postdoctoral fellow 2014-2016 PhD, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2012 Developing earthquake early warning for Israel Now Research Scientist at the Geological Institute of Israel |
Ronni Grapenthin | Postdoctoral fellow, 2012-2014 PhD, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 2012 Deformation source studies and development of real-time GPS processing methodologies Now Assistant Professor at New Mexico Tech |
Rob Porritt | PhD 2013, UC Berkeley Thesis: Tracing the Farallon plate through seismic imaging with USArray Now NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern California |
Lingsen Meng | Postdoctoral Fellow, 2012-2013 PhD, Caltech, 2012 Physics of large earthquakes Now Assistant Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles |
Serdar Kuyuk | Postdoctoral fellow, 2011-2013 PhD, Tohoku University, 2008 Earthquake early warning implementation in California Now Professor at Sakarya University, Turkey |
Simona Colombelli | Visiting PhD student 2012, UC Berkeley PhD candidate, University of Naples Federico II Rapid characterization of large magnitude earthquakes using real-time GPS |
Pascal Audet | Miller Postdoctoral Fellow, 2008-2011 Subduction and triple-junction processes Now Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa |
Holly Brown | PhD 2012, UC Berkeley Thesis: Evaluating and Improving the ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm |
Mathias Obrebski | Postdoctoral Fellow, 2008-2011 Imaging North America Now Associate Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory |
Gilead Wurman | PhD 2010, UC Berkeley Thesis: Earthquake Early Warning and the Physics of Earthquake Rupture Now Chief Seismologist, Seismic Warning Systems |
David Shelly | Miller Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-2008 Episodic tremor and slip Now Research Geophysicist, USGS Menlo Park |
Mei Xue | PhD 2008, UC Berkeley Thesis: Using Seismic Methods to Constrain Mantle Convection Processes Now Associate Professor, Global Seismology & Geodynamics, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, in Shanghai |
Veronica Grasso | PhD 2006, University of Naples (visiting student at UC Berkeley) Thesis: Uncertainty in earthquake warning systems Now Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Team, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Geneva |
Erik Olson | MSc 2005, University of Wisconsin, Madison Thesis: A new way to look at fault rupture: Understanding and characterizing earthquake predominant period Now Geophysicist, AIR Worldwide, Boston |
Andrew Lockman | MSc 2004, University of Wisconsin, Madison Thesis: Earthquake early warning using P-wave arrivals Now Geotechnical Engineer, MWH Americas in Denver |
Group BBQ - May 2015