
The Allen group in the BSL conference room, April 2023

Savvas Marcou PhD candidate, 2022-present
MSc Imperial College London
Smartphone sensor networks
Utpal Kumnar Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023-present
PhD National Central University and Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Structural Health Monitoring using the MyShake smartphone network
Amy Williamson Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021-present
PhD University of Oregon
Earthquake and tsunami warning
Yuancong Gou PhD candidate, 2021-present
BSc Nanjing University
Machine learning, earthquake catalogs, sensing technology
Angela Lux Project Scientist 2017-present
Postdoctoral Fellow, Berkeley, 2014-2017; PhD Stanford 2014
Earthquake early warning algorithms

PhD students at William Hawley's Exit Seminar celebration

Yifang Cheng Postdoctoral fellow, 2021-2024
PhD, University of Southern California, 2021
Earthquake source properties and faulting mechanisms
Now Faculty at Tongji University
Sarina Patel PhD 2023, UC Berkeley
Now Policy Fellow with the California Council on Science and Technology working with the California Assembly Emergency Management Committee
Claire Doody PhD 2023, UC Berkeley
Now Research Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Qingkai Kong PhD 2018, UC Berkeley. Assist. Researcher, 2018-2021
Thesis: MyShake – Building a global smartphone seismic network
Now Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
William Hawley PhD 2019, UC Berkeley
Thesis: The Life and Death of a Tectonic Plate: Imaging the Juan de Fuca Plate with Amphibious Seismic Data
Now National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia
Robert Martin-Short PhD 2019, UC Berkeley
Thesis: Seismic investigation of subduction in Cascadia and Alaska and Simulating the ability of MyShake networks to detect and locate earthquakes
Now Data Scientist at App Annie
Asaf Inbal Postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2018
PhD, Caltech, 2016
Array detection and characterization of seismic sources
Now faculty at Tel Aviv University
Christine Ruhl Postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2018
PhD, University of Nevada, Reno, 2016
Large magnitude earthquake sources and geodetic network detection
Now faculty at University of Tulsa
Diego Melgar Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014-2015; Researcher 2015-2017
PhD, University of California, San Diego, 2014
Large earthquake ruptures
Now faculty at the University of Oregon
Cheng Cheng PhD 2016, UC Berkeley
Thesis: Seismic constrains on a double-layered Hawaiian plume and the Cascadia subduction slab heterogeneity
Ran Nof Postdoctoral fellow 2014-2016
PhD, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2012
Developing earthquake early warning for Israel
Now Research Scientist at the Geological Institute of Israel
Ronni Grapenthin Postdoctoral fellow, 2012-2014
PhD, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 2012
Deformation source studies and development of real-time GPS processing methodologies
Now Assistant Professor at New Mexico Tech
Rob Porritt PhD 2013, UC Berkeley
Thesis: Tracing the Farallon plate through seismic imaging with USArray
Now NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern California
Lingsen Meng Postdoctoral Fellow, 2012-2013
PhD, Caltech, 2012
Physics of large earthquakes
Now Assistant Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles
Serdar Kuyuk Postdoctoral fellow, 2011-2013
PhD, Tohoku University, 2008
Earthquake early warning implementation in California
Now Professor at Sakarya University, Turkey
Simona Colombelli Visiting PhD student 2012, UC Berkeley
PhD candidate, University of Naples Federico II
Rapid characterization of large magnitude earthquakes using real-time GPS
Pascal Audet Miller Postdoctoral Fellow, 2008-2011
Subduction and triple-junction processes
Now Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Holly Brown PhD 2012, UC Berkeley
Thesis: Evaluating and Improving the ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm
Mathias Obrebski Postdoctoral Fellow, 2008-2011
Imaging North America
Now Associate Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Gilead Wurman PhD 2010, UC Berkeley
Thesis: Earthquake Early Warning and the Physics of Earthquake Rupture
Now Chief Seismologist, Seismic Warning Systems
David Shelly Miller Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-2008
Episodic tremor and slip
Now Research Geophysicist, USGS Menlo Park
Mei Xue PhD 2008, UC Berkeley
Thesis: Using Seismic Methods to Constrain Mantle Convection Processes
Now Associate Professor, Global Seismology & Geodynamics, School of Ocean & Earth Science, Tongji University, in Shanghai
Veronica Grasso PhD 2006, University of Naples (visiting student at UC Berkeley)
Thesis: Uncertainty in earthquake warning systems
Now Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Team, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) in Geneva
Erik Olson MSc 2005, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Thesis: A new way to look at fault rupture: Understanding and characterizing earthquake predominant period
Now Geophysicist, AIR Worldwide, Boston
Andrew Lockman MSc 2004, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Thesis: Earthquake early warning using P-wave arrivals
Now Geotechnical Engineer, MWH Americas in Denver

Group BBQ - May 2015